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What Do I Do About This Bulging Disc?

One of the most common expressions that we hear from our patients is that they are having back pain because of a bulging disc. This is one of the most common pathologies to show up on imaging with an MRI. While it is true that you might have a bulging disc, it is not always the cause of your symptoms. Here’s some information about bulging discs, more commonly known as disc herniations so hopefully you can have a better understanding of what these are and how they are usually not as scary a...
Posted on 2020-07-14

Do I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

In this day and age, a large number of people are working on the computer or using phones for multiple hours each day. One of the common issues that can occur at the wrist and hand, because of the constant repetitive hand use seen while utilizing these pieces of technology, is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This occurs when one of the nerves that innervates the hand, the median nerve, gets compressed through the carpal tunnel by the flexor retinaculum or the transverse ligament  that&...
Posted on 2020-06-30

Do I Have Plantar Fascitis?

Do I Have Plantar Fascitis? Here’s a scenario:  You are healthy, active, mobile and going about your daily life with your normal routines.  You have been walking daily, doing some sort of aerobic fitness and you’re feeling good.  You go to bed and when you get up your first step yields excruciating pain at the bottom of your foot. This pain stays with you with each and every step causing you to limp and you make an appointment with your primary care physician (PCP)...
Posted on 2020-06-16

Why Can I Barely Lift My Arm?

Shoulder impingement What it is? One of the most common things we hear from our new patients when they are dealing with shoulder pain is, “My doctor said I injured my rotatory cup (rotator cuff).” This diagnosis can be confusing and also frustrating without knowing how it can happen. So we wanted to discuss one of the most common medical diagnoses for shoulders and potential rotator cuff injury: a shoulder impingement.  Your shoulder complex is more complicated than what you ...
Posted on 2020-06-03

What is This Crick in My Neck?

So you wake up and you notice your neck is feeling stiff and you are experiencing pain to turn your head. What could be a potential cause of that? One possible explanation could be Facet Syndrome which is what we are discussing this week. Statistics say that 54-60% of people with neck pain are experiencing some type of facet issue so these are much more common than most people would think. Common signs of Facet Syndrome are difficulty turning your head side to side or looking up and down, with p...
Posted on 2020-05-26
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